Friday, June 29, 2012

The Journey of Life

Multitasking is a term I grew to know and execute very well, as I became an adult in the age of doing more with less. Often times I felt productive, as I would do several things at the same time. There is a certain satisfaction that comes from completing many tasks at once, but many times we are so robotic that we forget to enjoy the golden moments the journey offers. We forget to savor the lessons learned, sweet or sour but part of the experience. Each one of our lives are just a tiny segment of the continuum our life time line is. Some experiences, in our journey are forgotten immediately, others last for ever as a golden moment worth saving forever. Many times our significant memories are remembered as a longer segment of time, than they really were. For example, saying good bye to a loved one, the first date, getting a much anticipated gift, seeing your child be borne. Many times these golden moments seem to be longer than the many routine items that take much more time, like commuting, brushing your teeth, grocery shopping, the marathon meetings where no issues were resolved. Often times I tell myself, when I'm able to recognize the significance of a golden moment, secretly and only with my inner voice, to open my eyes wide open and take it all in. The golden moments in our journey of life are worth recognizing, and perhaps writing down so that when we can no longer remember them our children/ loved ones can read them to us as we prepare for the last segment of our journey.

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